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How does MSC communicate?

MSC will send out updates and information via email.  Please be sure your email address is correct in GotSport, and please watch for incoming emails from Middleton Soccer Club or GotSport.

How is MSC structured?

Age Group

What age group is my player?

U5 & U6 combined to play U6

U7 & U8 combined to play U8

Rec U9 & U10 combined to play U10

Rec U11 & U12 combined to play U12

Rec U13 & U14 combined to play U14

Age Groups.jpg

What is the time commitment for the Recreational program?

Recreational players registering in the fall are registering for fall and spring. Fall usually runs from end of August to end of October, and spring soccer resumes in March until end of May. Refunds are not offered for those who choose to drop between fall and spring. 

We also offer a spring registration for those players who missed it in the fall.  Spring registration opens December or January.


U4: 1-2 practices a week (45 min), no scheduled games.

U6: 2 practices a week (45 min), 1 game on weekends (games played in Middleton).

U8: 2 practices a week (45-60 min), 1 game on weekends (games played in Middleton).

U10: 2 practices a week (60 min), 1-2 games on weekends (games played in Middleton; away games may require some local travel).

U12: 2 practices a week (90 min), 1-2 games on weekends (home games played in Middleton; away games require some local travel).

U14: 2 practices a week (90 min), 1-2 games on weekends (home games played in Middleton; away games require some local travel).

Do you have a fall-only registration for Recreational?

We are a full-year program, but if your player is unable to return in the spring, please let your coach and know. Refunds are not offered for those who choose to drop between fall and spring.

Do I need to purchase a uniform?


  • No. A shirt will be provided.


Academy (U5-U10)


League America (U11+)

  • Yes, unless your player already has a uniform matching the current League America uniform style.

  • Jerseys DO need a number. This will be assigned and emailed to you, so please be sure to have that before ordering.


Uniform kits are purchased through MSC's Team Shop (link in navigation menu). You are not required to purchase both uniform kits; only the appropriate kit based on your player's age group​​​

How will my coach get a hold of me?

Here are some methods coaches may use, but please be sure your GotSport account has accurate contact info:

What days will my Rec player practice?

A perk for our volunteer Rec coaches is that they work with our field coordinator to choose what practice days and times work best.  Because of this, we are unable to predetermine practice days and times.

Practices don't work for our schedule.  Can I switch teams?

We understand schedules can get hectic!  However, in consideration of the number of players, teams, and coaches MSC manages, and the valuable time of our coach and board volunteers, MSC does not honor requests for teams, coaches, or players when forming teams. Switching teams for schedules, friends, or family is not permitted. Honoring requests results in a burden on the volunteer coaches and can result in the shorting or overloading of teams. Special requests for emergencies or direct family members can be considered upon request and reviewed by the managing member or Board of Directors.

What if I need to miss a practice or a game?

Please let your coach know ahead of time.

What does my player need to bring to practice?

  • water bottle with plenty of water

  • ball, if they have one

  • cleats (no toe cleat)

  • shin guards

  • socks to go over shin guards

  • optional: bug spray and sunscreen

What size of ball does my player use?

U4 to U8: Size 3
U9 to U12: Size 4
U13+: Size 5

What does my player need to bring to a game?

  • uniform

  • water bottle with plenty of water

  • ball, if they have one

  • cleats (no toe cleat)

  • shin guards

  • socks to go over shin guards

  • optional: bug spray and sunscreen

What jersey color should my player wear?

Academy (Rec U6-U10)

  • (H) or Home team wears gray

  • (A) or Away team wears blue


League America (Rec U11+)

IYSA states: Each team must have alternate color of jersey or training vest. In cases of color similarity, the designated home team (listed first) will change jerseys.  

(But here's what the IYSA Comp league follows):

  • (H) or Home team wears light-colored

  • (A) or Away team wears dark​

What are the game rules?

How long are the games?

U6 to U8: (4) 10-min qtrs; 2-min btwn qtrs; 5-min halftime
U9/U10: (2) 25-min halves; 5-min halftime
U11/U12: (2) 30-min halves; 5-min halftime
U13/U14: (2) 35-min halves; 5-min halftime
U15/U16: (2) 40-min halves; 5-min halftime

Will our game have a referee?

There is a nationwide shortage of referees, but MSC and IYSA are making the most of it with what refs are available.  If you are assigned a ref, please be sure you and your team are treating them kindly.

These age groups do not have assigned refs, so coaches will ref the game or may ask for volunteers.
Recreational U10
MSC tries to cover games with the few refs we have, but please be aware that coaches or parents may need to step in if a ref is unavailable or is a no-show.

League America (Rec U11+)
IYSA assigns refs to games, but please be aware that coaches or parents may need to step in if a ref is unavailable or is a no-show.

Purchase Uniform?
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